
Kamala’s 2024 Mirage: Harris Eyes White House While Critics Demand Makeover!

Have you heard the latest buzz about Vice President Kamala Harris? The mainstream media is all in a tizzy over her “steadier” 2023 and how she’s allegedly prepping for the 2024 election. 

First off, let’s not forget that Harris has been under the spotlight as the first woman and minority woman vice president. The liberal media loves to praise her for this, but the truth is she’s been more focused on trying to secure her spot as Biden’s successor. Some say she’s been looking past 2024 and aiming for 2028 and beyond. Can you believe the nerve of this woman? 

Now, they’re trying to paint her as a hero for casting her 32nd Senate tiebreaking vote. Big deal! That’s just her doing her job, and the liberal media acts like she deserves a gold star for it.

Despite all the fawning over her, some critics are calling for a “complete public relations make-over” for Harris in 2024. Even a former chief of staff to Senator Marco Rubio is saying she’s “not ready” to take over if Biden steps aside. 

The Democrats’ “deep bench” of potential presidential candidates. They’ve got Governor Andy Beshear, Governor Gavin Newsom, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Senator Cory Booker waiting in the wings. Sorry, Harris, but it looks like the Democrats aren’t just going to hand you the nomination on a silver platter.

But hold on to your hats because the Biden campaign is still pushing the narrative that they’ll “continue building” a winning bid. 

The liberal media can try to spin it however they want, but the truth is that Harris still has a long way to go before she can even think about a presidential bid. And as for the Biden-Harris campaign, well, let’s just say they’re in for a rude awakening come 2024!

Written by Staff Reports

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