
Kamala’s Low Ratings: CNN Blames Race, Ignores Incompetence!

CNN commentator Ashley Allison recently made a downright ridiculous claim about Vice President Kamala Harris and her low approval rating. According to Allison, the reason Americans don’t like Harris is because she’s a “historical figure” due to being a black woman. Give me a break!

Allison, who conveniently worked for the Biden-Harris campaign, seemed to be grasping at straws to defend Harris’ abysmal performance as Vice President. Apparently, according to her, the American people are just too dumb to understand what a Vice President actually does. How insulting!

But it gets even better. Allison argues that Harris is not responsible for the border crisis but rather for the “root causes.” Well, let’s set the record straight here. Our immigration policies are in absolute shambles. And who did President Biden put in charge of all this? You guessed it, Kamala Harris. So, yes, she is absolutely accountable for this mess.

In a desperate attempt to salvage Harris’ reputation, Allison predicts that once she starts interacting with voters more, her approval ratings will magically increase. Really? Because the last time Harris interacted with voters during the 2020 presidential race, she dropped out faster than a hot potato. Even her own party couldn’t stand what she had to offer, which, let’s be honest, was close to nothing.

The simple truth that Allison and her fellow Democrats refuse to acknowledge is that Harris is just not cutting it. It has nothing to do with her race or gender, as they would like us to believe. Americans are dissatisfied with Harris because she has proven time and time again that she is ineffective and unqualified for the job. It’s as simple as that. But if Democrats want to play the race and gender card, it only reveals their own hypocrisy. After all, if we follow their logic, it means they themselves are racist and sexist for not supporting Harris during the 2020 primaries. Oh, the irony.

Written by Staff Reports

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