
Kamala’s Racial Lies Exposed: Florida Ed System Truth Revealed!

In a shocking display of lies and misinformation, Vice President Kamala Harris has been spreading a repugnant and racially motivated lie about Florida’s education system. She claims that Florida is teaching students that slavery benefitted slaves. This is a complete distortion of the truth and a disservice to the students of Florida.

Harris, along with other left-wing activists, has been peddling this false narrative on social media and even traveled to Florida to make her point in person. But her allegations are nothing more than politically motivated lies. The curriculum in Florida includes a comprehensive study of slavery, highlighting the conditions slaves endured, the resistance they showed, and the consequences of prejudice and racism. It does not, in any way, claim that slavery was beneficial to the slaves.

In fact, the curriculum includes references to the harsh conditions slaves faced, their struggles for freedom, and the impacts of racism on individual freedom. It was crafted by scholars, including black experts, who have publicly defended its accuracy and comprehensiveness. The selective cherry-picking of a single sentence in a 216-page document by Harris and her allies is misleading and unfair.

The one sentence they are focusing on mentions that in some cases, slaves with skills were able to exploit them for personal benefit, such as purchasing their freedom. This does not diminish the horrors of slavery or suggest overall benefit, but rather acknowledges a historical reality. It is a tiny fraction of the curriculum’s content, and Florida’s education system does not emphasize it at the expense of the broader discussion on slavery.

The real gaslighting and distortion of history are being perpetrated by Harris and her cohorts. Their purpose is not to fight gaslighting, defend history, or preserve truth, but rather to attack and score cheap political points. Their tactics involve stoking racial grievances and stirring unnecessary anger among the under-informed.

It is appalling to witness the brazen lies and misinformation being spread by Harris and her allies. They show a complete disregard for the truth and a willingness to exploit racial divisions for political gain. Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis has rightly called out Harris for her deceitful antics and defended the integrity of Florida’s education system.

It is clear that Harris and the left are more interested in spreading their own biased narratives than in promoting an honest understanding of history. They should be held accountable for their lies and rhetoric, which only serve to further divide our country. The people of Florida deserve better than this kind of dishonest and manipulative behavior from their elected officials.

Written by Staff Reports

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