
Kellogg’s Woke Flakes: Froot Loops Pushes ED&I on Kids!

In a bid to push their woke agenda onto innocent children, Kellogg’s in Canada has decided to use their Froot Loops cereal boxes as a platform for promoting their so-called “diversity and inclusion” digital book library. The cereals, famous for their bright colors and sugar-high-inducing properties, now sport messages encouraging kids to “celebrate the diversity that makes our world colorful” and to “explore content to help empower everyone to be their own unique selves.” As if kids needed a sugary breakfast cereal to tell them how to be themselves!

The cereal giant has even gone as far as to partner with the Boys and Girls Club of Canada to push their woke agenda onto children. They are offering a so-called “ED&I Digital Library” with books and podcasts focusing on equity, diversity, and inclusion. The featured books include “Loop Together on Gender Empowerment,” because what every child needs in the morning is a healthy dose of gender discussions with their sugary breakfast.

Unsurprisingly, the announcement has sparked outrage among many conservative social media influencers, who are rightfully concerned about Kellogg’s attempts to indoctrinate children at such a young age. Some have even called for a boycott of the Froot Loops cereal, arguing that supporting such woke propaganda is not only detrimental to children’s health but also destructive to traditional values.

As if their woke cereal boxes weren’t enough, Kellogg’s has also faced criticism for their substantial financial support of the Black Lives Matter movement and the NAACP for “combating racism.” This corporation is not content with just providing the world with sugary cereals; they want to shove their progressive politics down our throats, one breakfast at a time.

From featuring Tony the Tiger alongside transgender influencers to promoting their woke agenda through cereal boxes, Kellogg’s seems to be more interested in pushing their political beliefs than providing a balanced and nutritious breakfast. It’s time for parents to push back against this attempt to inject politics into the most important meal of the day. Keep woke propaganda out of our breakfast bowls!

Written by Staff Reports

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