
Kennedy Blasts Biden: Our Enemies View Him as a National Security Weakling!

Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana didn’t hold back in his criticism of President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict. Not mincing his words, Kennedy called Biden “a bit of a weenie” on national defense. Ouch!

Kennedy appeared on The Story with Martha MacCallum and was asked about the recent explosion at a Gaza hospital that claimed the lives of hundreds. He didn’t waste any time pointing the finger at Hamas for not allowing Palestinian civilians to leave the country to avoid the conflict. But Kennedy’s main focus was on Biden’s lack of defense hawkishness.

According to Kennedy, America’s enemies, namely Russia, Iran, and China, see a weak America under Biden’s leadership. He emphasized that the president’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan and his failure to support Ukraine with proper weapons have not gone unnoticed by these foreign powers. And don’t even get him started on the Iran nuclear deal.

Kennedy believes that Biden’s approach to national defense will only embolden hardline leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Peace through weakness never works,” Kennedy declared. These are tough times, and Kennedy doesn’t think having a president who’s seen as a “weenie” will cut it.

It’s not just Kennedy who’s unsatisfied either. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas canceled a meeting with Biden, and things aren’t looking great for the planned visit to Israel either. With over 4,000 deaths, including 30 Americans, since the start of the conflict, it’s clear that the tensions in the region are devastating.

In the end, Kennedy’s criticism is a reminder that leadership matters, especially when it comes to national defense. It remains to be seen whether Biden’s approach will yield successful results, but for now, Kennedy and many others are skeptical. Only time will tell if the president can prove them wrong.

Written by Staff Reports

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