
Kevin McCarthy Claims Obamas Run Kamala Harris 2024 Campaign Behind the Scenes

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently dropped a truth bomb that shook the political landscape, suggesting that the Obamas are not just lingering in the background but are the driving force behind Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign. Instead of enjoying retirement, it appears Barack and Michelle Obama are back in the game, pulling strings and orchestrating strategy like it’s 2008 all over again.

According to McCarthy, it’s more than just a few nods to the past; it’s an all-out Obama reunion tour featuring key figures from their administration. He pointed out that some of Barack’s former aides, including the likes of David Plouffe, are popping up to give Harris a boost. So much for the idea that the Democrats have moved on from the Obama era. Instead, they seem to be hitching their wagon right back to the White House legacy that many Americans have grown weary of.

With an impressive lineup of Obama-era advisors now marching under Harris’ flag, the connections run deep. Eric Holder, the former attorney general under Obama, reportedly lent his expertise during the vetting process for Harris’ vice-presidential pick. The inclusion of other prominent Obama alumni—like Plouffe, who managed the Obama campaign in 2008, and Stephanie Cutter, who was a deputy campaign manager in 2012—signals a full-court press underpinned by a familiar playbook. This team clearly embodies the spirit of past campaigns, leaving many to speculate just how much influence Barack really has.

As the Harris campaign gears up, additional recruits are jumping aboard the Obama Express. Jim Margolis, the ad-maker par excellence from Obama’s heyday, is reportedly on the team, presumably to inject some of that classic Obama charm into Harris’ messaging. Furthermore, Jennifer Palmieri—fresh from serving the Obama White House and working for Hillary Clinton—has also signed on, proving that the Obamas are clearly reassembling their trusted tactics for the 2024 showdown. This echo of past leadership signals that if Harris manages to snag a victory next November, we might just be witnessing Barack’s fourth term in the White House.

Despite the denials from certain quarters that the Obamas are not running the show, skepticism reigns supreme. A source close to the former president dismissed claims of direct involvement, suggesting that Obama would step in only if solicited by Harris. Really? It’s hard to swallow that a political mastermind like Obama would sit idly on the sidelines while his legacy hangs in the balance. The reality is, once a player, always a player, and there’s hardly a chance that Obama would miss out on shaping the future of his party, especially when he sees a favorable game plan ahead.

While McCarthy’s dissection of Harris was sharp—labeling her team the most liberal in history and attributing inflation woes directly to her actions—it’s the overarching presence of the Obamas that raises an eyebrow. With Harris already suffering from credibility issues, the notion that she’d be guiding the economy is a knee-slapper. This whole campaign seems like a rerun where the ending has already shown how the plot unfolds. If the spokespeople of the past hold sway over Harris, voters might want to brace themselves for another round of familiar policies the country has already seen unravel.

Written by Staff Reports

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