
Kirby’s Email Blunder Shows Biden Admin’s Disrespect for Vets and Afghan Withdrawal Concerns

The National Security Council’s spokesperson, John Kirby, has given a masterclass in how not to engage with the very veterans who served the nation. In an unprecedented mix-up, Kirby managed to send a scathing internal email directly to Fox News. It seems he was unhappy with veterans daring to express their grievances about President Biden’s 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, and in his typical condescending fashion, he dismissed their concerns as trivial, suggesting there was “no use” in addressing the issues raised by these brave individuals. Clearly, a former admiral has found a way to sink even lower than the bottom of the ocean.

In his ill-fated communication meant for his staff, Kirby described the critical veterans as merely a “handful,” implying that their misery over the hasty exit from Afghanistan was simply an overreaction. His faux pas is particularly embarrassing, especially since it occurred just as the nation marked the somber occasion of the September 11 attacks—which also happened to be the anniversary of the disastrous withdrawal. To top it off, when confronted about the blunder by a Fox reporter, Kirby feigned ignorance about the email chain, perhaps hoping that ignorance would lend him some much-needed credence.

The Afghanistan withdrawal is not only the longest war in American history but also a legacy of calamity that began under former President Trump. After years of political maneuvering and dialogue with the Taliban, Biden’s administration finally took the reins of the exit. However, the promise to leave “by any means necessary” seems more like a reckless vow rather than a serious diplomatic strategy. The world was treated to heart-wrenching images of Afghans clinging to planes, and the ghosts of 13 American service members lost to a suicide bombing still haunt the halls of power. The cascading failures of the withdrawal have provided perfect ammunition for Republican critiques, and Kirby’s comments have handed them a gift-wrapped opportunity to pounce.

In the wake of Kirby’s comments, Republican leaders didn’t hold back on expressing outrage. Senator John Thune pointedly questioned if this was truly how the Biden administration chooses to regard the well-founded concerns of veterans, especially shortly after the anniversary of an event that changed America forever. With the Gold Star families deserving respect and a robust response from their leaders, it’s a wonder how Kirby thought his cavalier attitude was appropriate. If there was ever a moment for humility, one would think it would be during such a solemn commemoration. 


Moreover, the impacts of the rushed withdrawal continue to unfold, with billions of dollars in American military equipment now under Taliban control. That’s right. While Kirby dismisses veterans, the Taliban is likely enjoying their new loot, which includes everything from small arms to artillery, all funded by American taxpayers. The irony here is palpable—while the Biden administration speaks of unity and progress, the consequences of their hasty decisions tell a very different story, one that involves rights being stripped from women and a return to the dark ages under radical Islamic law.

The outrage isn’t just confined to Kirby’s emails; it appears the entire administration has adopted an attitude of indifference toward veteran concerns, as captured by the remarks of House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul. His condemnation does little to mask the issues at hand—this group of so-called leaders seems far more eager to score points in the arena of global politics than genuinely engage with those who’ve sacrificed so much for their country. Whether it’s a botched withdrawal or dismissive internal emails, the Biden administration is doing a stellar job of showcasing how not to respect America’s servicemen and women.

Written by Staff Reports

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