
Kissinger Unveils Europe’s ‘Grave Mistake’: Mass Immigration Debacle!

In a surprising turn of events, Henry Kissinger, the renowned globalist kingpin, has come out and criticized the European nations, particularly Germany, for their “grave mistake” of allowing mass immigration. He warned that this decision has created internal pressure from groups with “totally different culture and religion” and could lead to future hostage-taking raids of European people.

Kissinger’s remarks are especially noteworthy, considering his previous support for keeping Western nations open to refugees. He expressed his discomfort at witnessing celebrations in German cities supporting Hamas, stating that it is “painful” to watch.

According to Kissinger, Europe should provide “unconditional political support for Israeli action” in light of the recent terrorist attack. He argued that European states have a vested interest in preventing raids and mass hostage taking from Western nations, as this could set a dangerous precedent.

While the idea of hostage-taking raids on Europe may seem far-fetched to some, Kissinger emphasized that there is ample historical precedent for such actions. He urged European nations to recognize the high-consequence risk and take appropriate measures to protect themselves.

Kissinger’s stance on mass migration and its potential to create alien power structures within Western nations marks a significant shift from his previous positions. It is worth noting that he himself experienced the plight of being a refugee from Nazi Germany, arriving in America in the 1930s.

In 2015, Kissinger even co-signed a letter to Congress advocating for open borders to Syrian and Iraqi migrants after the Paris terror attacks. The letter argued that admitting Muslim migrants is a way to combat terrorism and defeat ISIS. However, his recent comments show a change of heart on this issue.

Meanwhile, protests erupted in Berlin, with demonstrators cheering the Hamas terrorist attack that claimed the lives of at least 1,300 Israelis. Chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” filled the streets, despite arrests made by the police. These pro-Palestinian groups have been returning night after night to celebrate, defying the ban on rallies ordered by the authorities.

It is important to consider that Kissinger’s statements should not be taken lightly. As an influential figure and mentor to the World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, his words carry weight in the political sphere. It remains to be seen how European nations will respond to these concerns raised by Kissinger and whether they will take decisive action to protect their own interests.

Written by Staff Reports

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