
Kristi Noem Calls Kamala Harris Debate a Total Waste of Time!

In a spirited conversation about political vetting, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota took center stage, shedding light on what she views as a vital topic in today’s political landscape. Noem made it clear that in her opinion, Vice President Kamala Harris is a candidate that deserves considerable scrutiny. In fact, she pointed out that Harris received absolutely no votes during her own presidential run. Not a single soul in America put a checkmark next to her name. This begs the question: if you’re not winning any votes, should you be in such a prominent position?

Noem expressed her concerns, suggesting that many Americans are left in the dark about what Harris truly believes or plans to do as a leader. Heaps of questions loom over her policy positions, especially since Harris has been notably reticent when it comes to press interviews and public discussions. It’s almost as if she possesses an invisible cloak, making her thoughts and policies mysteriously elusive. Noem stated that Harris’s campaign website, rather than illuminating her intentions, seems to be stuck in radio silence. Where’s the information? What does she stand for?

The Governor commended former President Donald Trump for sidestepping opportunities to debate Harris again. In her eyes, it’s simply not worth it. Noem believes that Harris won’t provide any genuine insight; rather, she would dodge substantive discussions and stick to ambiguous talking points. If there’s one thing everyone seems to agree on, it’s the desire for transparency in leadership. For Noem, it’s more beneficial for Trump to spend time engaging with “real Americans” who are grappling with the struggles of today’s economy than to get embroiled in a debate with a seemingly unvetted candidate. 


Noem couldn’t help but feel that the tides are turning in the American consciousness when it comes to understanding Harris’s political views and their potential implications. She posited that people are starting to realize just how extreme her positions may be, especially when they hear her own words and contradictions. It’s a bit like discovering a sneaky plot twist in a well-written novel—the shocking revelations keep coming, making you wonder how you even missed them in the first place.

In a final note of encouragement, Noem urged Americans to keep sharing the videos and clips that reveal Harris’s statements. The more folks that tune in, the better informed they can become about the candidates vying for leadership. After all, in a democracy, an informed citizenry is the bedrock of a thriving society. So, whether it’s a heartwarming visit to Six Flags or a serious discussion about political matters, it’s crucial for Americans to engage and share ideas. Only then can they help navigate the wild political roller coaster that is life in the United States.

Written by Staff Reports

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