
Kurt Schlichter’s “Unredacted” Returns with Larry O’Connor and 2024 Trump Insights

Kurt Schlichter is back in action with another installment of his wildly popular podcast, “Unredacted.” For those genuinely in the know, this isn’t just any podcast; it’s an exclusive platform for the discerning Townhall VIP members. Those lucky enough to be part of this elite group get a front-row seat to Schlichter’s unfiltered rants every week, along with perks like his weekly VIP column and the ever-entertaining “Stream of Kurtiousness” video series. It’s the kind of membership that promises to keep listeners both educated and amused, all without the pesky filter that so many mainstream outlets insist on using.

In the latest episode, Schlichter invites his buddy Larry O’Connor, the man behind the mic on Townhall Media’s “LARRY” and the talk show “O’Connor & Company” on WMAL. The camaraderie between these two political powerhouses is palpable, and they immediately dive into a playful (yet serious) discussion about O’Connor’s ongoing feud with actor Val Kilmer. Leave it to Schlichter and O’Connor to bring Hollywood into politics—the only realm where a C-list actor’s opinion can somehow matter more than millions of hardworking Americans.

But fear not. The conversation swiftly shifts to meatier topics. Schlichter and O’Connor dish out their predictions for the 2024 election. Spoiler alert: Donald Trump is looking like a much stronger contender this time around than he did in 2016. They argue that, given the chaotic state of the current administration, Trump is not just any candidate; he’s akin to a political phoenix rising from the ashes of past challenges. Forget the fake news narrative about his decline; the reality is that many Americans are ready and eager to give him another shot, largely because the alternatives are painfully uninspiring.

This episode also serves as a warning bell for the Left. As Schlichter and O’Connor chat, it becomes abundantly clear that they see vulnerabilities in the Democratic playbook that could easily favor a resurgent Trump campaign. The podcast doesn’t shy away from addressing the fact that opinions on the ground often differ sharply from what’s being peddled in the urban media bubble. It’s an excellent reminder that politicians and their flaky Hollywood pals often have little connection to the everyday lives of the average American voter.

Listeners are reminded that the program isn’t for the faint of heart. There’s a lighthearted but firm reminder that explicit language comes with the territory. Schlichter knows his audience; he recognizes that a conservative podcast doesn’t have time to sugarcoat the truth. Between the laughter and the serious discussions, “Unredacted” continues to serve as a much-needed sanctuary for conservative voices unafraid to tackle the tough issues or poke fun at the prevailing leftist narrative.

Written by Staff Reports

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