
Laugh Out Loud: Rep. Mike Collins Reminds Dems Who Created the Violent Political Beast!

In a recent incident, a gathering of pro-Hamas demonstrators encircled and attempted to breach the Democratic National Committee (DNC) building in Washington, D.C., resulting in a tumultuous situation that escalated into a riot. This disturbance led to injuries sustained by at least six officers of the United States Capitol Police (USCP). Despite the disorder, only one arrest was made, highlighting the seemingly disproportionate impact of a single individual.

Following the attack, Democrats promptly condemned the violence. Representative Brad Sherman, who was among those evacuated from the DNC, described how the rioters sought to break into the building and even used pepper spray against police officers. However, there is an inconvenient reality that Sherman and his fellow Democrats appear to be sidestepping – their association with figures such as Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. These individuals have displayed a discernible bias against Israel and expressed support for antisemitic ideologies. The Democrats, by aligning themselves with these figures, have inadvertently allowed the proliferation of these potentially perilous elements within their ranks. Instead of actively opposing their influence, they have leveraged their popularity to secure electoral victories.

Did the Democrats genuinely believe they could manage these far-left ideologues? Did they assume that members of "the squad" were merely jesting when they began espousing communist ideals and criticizing America in a manner that might even earn approval from an Iranian mullah? It seems evident that they did not. The individuals attempting to breach the DNC are not clandestine conservatives secretly aiding Republicans; they are ardent, staunch Democrats unlikely to consider voting for a GOP candidate. Representative Mike Collins articulated plainly that the violent mobs unsettling America are supporters of the Democratic party.

If Sherman and his colleagues were genuinely concerned about this issue, taking a resolute stance against the violence and those fomenting it would be expected. However, they have opted for a passive-aggressive approach, using their platform to deride Republicans instead. The foreseeable consequence of this approach is the perpetuation of violence. To use an analogy, it's akin to consistently feeding an alligator and then expressing surprise when it eventually bites. The concept is straightforward – if you keep providing fuel, don't be astonished when the fire continues to burn.





Written by Staff Reports

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