
Left Divided Over Civility as Trump’s Second Term Looms

Divisions among the left continue to slice through their ranks like a hot knife through room-temperature butter. With Donald Trump’s second inauguration right around the corner, the question that has caused a tsunami of hand-wringing is whether they should be civil towards Trump and his loyal supporters, or stick to the narrative that has them convinced these individuals are a dire threat to what they shamelessly label “our democracy.”

On one side, disgraced former CNN anchor Don Lemon has emerged as the loudest supporter of continued antagonism, while MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough dared to suggest that maybe, just maybe, it would be wise to dial back the drama. According to Scarborough, a bit of civility wouldn’t hurt. But Lemon isn’t biting. He exploded with his usual flair, accusing Scarborough of compromising by entertaining the idea of a peaceful coexistence with those dreaded MAGA folks, whom he labels as the root causes of all his personal grievances.

The sparks began flying after Scarborough praised former President Obama for being civil towards Trump at Jimmy Carter’s funeral—an absurdity in the eyes of the left, it seems. During this little tête-à-tête, former RNC chair Michael Steele chimed in with his own brand of leftist logic, arguing that civility is a two-way street, all while conveniently ignoring the plethora of inflammatory statements made by his peers in the Democratic Party. Ironically, this is the same party that has called for “uprisings” and shown open hostility towards Trump supporters for years.

In a trip down memory lane, one can recall the rhetoric from 2018 when Nancy Pelosi indicated that violent uprisings should be a natural response to Trump’s presidency. This was shortly before Maxine Waters advised the faithful to confront Trump’s Cabinet members anywhere they could find them. Such calls for hostility seem to escape the notice of the very individuals claiming to seek civility today. If civility is truly a two-way street, the left seems intent on keeping their side filled with potholes and barricades.

Lemon’s response to the call for civility was to engage in a rant that would make anyone wince—a tirade filled with not-so-mild threats and declarations of disdain for anyone who has dared to challenge the liberal agenda. It’s almost comedy that Lemon suggests grinning at someone he deems a “fascist” would somehow erode the fabric of society. Yet, in his own convoluted logic, he overlooks the fact that if Trump supporters indeed represent this grand, malevolent threat, then ignoring their humanity only underscores the hypocrisy of the left’s outrage.

In a nutshell, Democrats face a dilemma: if Trump is the existential threat they claim, how can they casually acknowledge his presidency? If their alarmist rhetoric has been right all along, then these next four years are a ticking time bomb. Should they act normally, they risk revealing that perhaps the sky isn’t actually falling, and that the world will keep turning, regardless of Trump’s presence. The conundrum is palpable: fight for civility or admit to the masses that their fervent claims about the dangers of Trump were woefully exaggerated. With divisions as rich as a double chocolate cake, it remains to be seen how this shake-up among the left will play out.

Written by Staff Reports

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