
Leftist Fury Over “Racist” Tree Mascot: Conservatives Push Back!

Typical leftist insanity strikes again, this time at the New College of Florida where a harmless cartoon tree is being accused of racism. The new mascot, the Mighty Banyans, has recently been introduced to replace the old mascot, Null Set. But one white Democrat, Robin Williams, sees racism where there is none and has accused the school of promoting a racist trope with a brown-colored tree that resembles a threatening minority group. It is absurd that in this day and age, even a brown tree can be portrayed as a racist symbol! The school board, including culture warrior Christopher Rufo, supported the new mascot that depicts a tree still resembling a tree, but with an ‘enraged’ appearance. It is ridiculous to assume that every brown-colored object represents a threat to minorities.

Robin is horrified at the violent replacement of the (superior?) emblem and denounced the new mascot as depicting a tree that has been anthropomorphized to resemble a threatening, angry minority. She believes it should set off alarms for anyone with even a cursory knowledge of racial stereotypes. Even though Robin acknowledges that the original version of the mascot was different in appearance and was unlikely to have raised any concerns, she still finds the new mascot threatening.

On the bright side, Robin can take heart in knowing that old mascots all over are being uprooted for the sake of social justice. It seems like any symbol or mascot could be considered racist these days. It’s high time someone stood up to these leftists and put an end to their ridiculous accusations. While we can all agree that bigotry is a real problem in society, we need to stop searching for it where it doesn’t exist!

Written by Staff Reports

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