
Left’s Pro-Hamas Virus Invades US: Biden Cowers, Terror Sympathizers Run Amok

The left’s pro-Hamas sentiment and rampant anti-Semitism is spreading like a virus. After Hamas carried out a despicable terrorist attack on Israel, leaving more than 1,400 innocent Israelis dead, protests erupted worldwide. Shockingly, there were those who not only sided with the terrorists but also excused their atrocities or denied them altogether.

These pro-Hamas protesters took to the streets, college campuses, and even high schools, chanting disturbing slogans like “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” It’s a call for the genocide of the Jewish people and the annihilation of the only Jewish state. Are we in America or Iran’s parliament? It’s hard to tell these days.

These terrorist sympathizers have faced some consequences for their support of evil. Some have lost their jobs and seen their post-graduation career prospects vanish. But the problem goes beyond the streets; it has infiltrated Congress and the Biden administration.

Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, both Democrats, are known for their pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic views. They willingly side with Hamas and have even spread terrorist propaganda. Instead of condemning Hamas for using innocent Palestinians as human shields, these Democrats label Israel as an apartheid state and accuse it of genocide. It’s an absurd distortion of reality, considering that Hamas’s own charter calls for the total elimination of Israel.

Sadly, Joe Biden displays no interest in rectifying this issue. He seems more concerned with appeasing the false narrative of “Islamophobia” than condemning Hamas and its terrorist activities. The cowardice on Israel has already begun from his administration.

But fear not, here at Townhall, we will never stop exposing these evil individuals. We will continue to support Israel’s right to defend its people from the barbarism and savagery of 7th-century terrorists. And we will not stop highlighting the threat these terrorists pose to America.

We need your help to fight back against this evil. By becoming a Townhall VIP member, you can support our mission to bring you the truth that the left tries to suppress. Google and Big Tech are working tirelessly to censor stories exposing the truth about the war, Hamas’s atrocities, and the pro-terrorist anti-Semites living among us. But with your support, we can continue to deliver the facts they want to bury.

Join Townhall VIP today and use promo code ISRAEL to get 50% off your VIP membership. Help us tell the truth, because the left doesn’t want you to see it. Stand with us against the spread of terrorist sympathies and anti-Semitism. Together, we can fight back against this evil and protect the values we hold dear.

Written by Staff Reports

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