
Leniency Abounds: Ray Epps Gets a Pat on the Back for Jan 6 Havoc!

The infamously cruel and unjust justice system has struck again, this time in the form of a pitiful slap on the wrist for Ray Epps, a man who, along with other patriots, was simply exercising his right to protest on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

Instead of receiving the prison time he deserves, Epps was sentenced by Chief District Judge James Boasberg to a measly one year of probation. This so-called punishment included no jail time and no restrictions on his travel. How is that justice for the chaos and destruction he helped incite?

But wait, it gets even better — Epps was also ordered to complete a laughable 100 hours of community service. What’s next? Making him write “I will not support the Constitution” on a chalkboard a hundred times?

The fact that Epps was forced to leave his home is of no concern to Boasberg, who was nominated to the court by none other than the slippery, silver-tongued Barack Obama. Can we really trust the judgement of a judge put in place by a former president who dealt in nothing but lies and deceit?

During the sentencing hearing, Epps had the audacity to blame none other than our beloved former President Donald Trump for his misguided actions. It’s always someone else’s fault, isn’t it? When will these individuals take responsibility for their own actions?

Now, I’m no legal expert, but it seems to me that the evidence against Epps is crystal clear. There are videos showing him inciting the crowd to breach the Capitol and whispering to protesters as they breached a barrier leading to the building. This is not the behavior of an innocent man caught up in a moment; this is the behavior of a calculating agitator.

And get this: The Department of Justice only recommended that Epps receive a paltry six months in jail and a $500 fine, even though he was caught on video telling people to enter the Capitol building. The amount of leniency shown to Epps is mind-boggling.

Epps and his fellow rioters are getting off easy, especially in comparison to the harsh treatment and unfair charges levied against other Jan. 6 defendants. The justice system needs to wake up and realize that these protesters are being unfairly targeted and treated completely differently than other individuals involved in similar situations.

It’s time for the government to stop playing favorites and start holding everyone accountable for their actions. The American people demand, and deserve, equal justice under the law.

Written by Staff Reports

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