
Levin Exposes Biden’s Damaging Effects on Israel’s Anti-Terror Fight!

Amid internal disapproval within his own department regarding his perceived lack of support for Hamas, Secretary of State Antony Blinken appears to be capitulating to the demands of terrorist sympathizers, all the while Israel defends itself. The protracted conflict, which commenced on October 7 when thousands of Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas in the Gaza Strip with the support of Iran, continues to this day.

Mark Levin, a conservative radio presenter, has identified a troubling pattern and is expressing apprehension regarding the "two-sided" approach of the Biden administration and its potential ramifications in the future. In a message published on "X," Levin asserts that it has become abundantly obvious that Blinken is capitalizing on the conflict with Israel to dismantle the state that currently exists in Israel. To accomplish this, he accused Blinken of employing a variety of strategies, including coercion, threats, blackmail, media manipulation, and diplomatic betrayal. Levin further incorporates a paragraph purportedly authored by Blinken from a memo in which he advocates for a Palestinian-led administration of Gaza and denounces any attempt to forcibly displace Palestinians or diminish the territory of Gaza. According to Levin, this unequivocally demonstrates Blinken's intention to undermine Israel and acquiesce to the pressures of terrorist organizations.

Levin further elucidates the ongoing pressure campaign waged by leftists in Israel with the aim of toppling the conservative government presided over by Benjamin Netanyahu and establishing radical left-wing parties that are in line with Blinken's objectives. If Blinken's plan is executed as intended, Israel as we know it will not endure for long, according to Levin. He asserts that this plan has been in development since Blinken served as deputy secretary of state during the Obama administration. Levin further alludes to a speech wherein the late Senator John McCain expressed disapproval of Blinken's confirmation as deputy secretary of state and declined to cast his vote in support of him. According to Levin, Blinken, whom he refers to as the "Biden whisperer," is allegedly in charge of allocating $100 billion towards the resupply of extremist organizations such as Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Blinken, in his support for the Iranian regime over its own people and by lifting or refusing to enforce sanctions against Iran, is accused by him of igniting unrest in the Middle East. As the U.S. envoy to Iran, Blinken appointed Robert Malley, whom Levin characterizes as a Marxist supporter of Iran.

Levin describes the Obama-Biden-Blinken "Realignment" as an abhorrent and malevolent scheme that is being executed in secret, without congressional or public oversight. According to him, the formulation of this foreign policy agenda by a select cohort of extremist left-wing policymakers possesses the capacity to instigate the Third World War. Conservative media, Senate Republicans, House Republican committee chairs, and conservative think organizations are criticized by Levin for failing to do more to prevent Blinken and demand accountability and transparency. He urges a coordinated resistance effort, which may involve holding Blinken accountable for impeachment, in order to avert the triumph of malevolence. Levin further underscores the dire ramifications that ensued as a result of Blinken's actions throughout his brief tenure in office, which encompassed loss of life, cruelty, and destitution across multiple areas.

In the interim, President Joe Biden maintains his advocacy for a "two-state solution" notwithstanding the Palestinians' consistent repudiation of this approach.

Written by Staff Reports

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