
Levin Scorches Dems for Trump Ballot Block Attempt!

Conservative commentator and legal expert Mark Levin is firing back at the latest antics of the Democrats as they try to keep former President Donald Trump out of the 2024 presidential race. Levin is absolutely heated about the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to try and block Trump from the ballot, calling it a “vile” attack on the integrity of American elections.

In a scathing op-ed for The Blaze, Levin absolutely lets loose, slamming the Democrats for their obsessive use of the 14th Amendment to try and twist the rules in their favor. He argues that the Democrats are bending over backwards to manipulate the Constitution just to keep Trump out of the running, with absolutely no constitutional support to back them up. And if they succeed, Levin warns, it’s not just about Trump – it’s about setting a terrifying precedent for future elections.

Levin doesn’t stop there. He goes on to point out the Democrats’ insatiable appetite for power and the underhanded schemes they’re cooking up to rig the system. He believes that the left is pulling every dirty trick in the book to disenfranchise Trump’s supporters and meddle with the democratic process. 

Levin also unveils the left’s playbook (like a real-life political detective). He lays out their sneaky plan to toss Trump off the ballot, celebrate their unconstitutional victory, whine when the Supreme Court gives them a reality check, and then try to discredit the highest court in the land. It’s like a never-ending game of political chess, with the left making moves that would make Machiavelli himself blush.

And if that’s not enough to make your blood boil, Levin points a finger at the Democrat’s shady cash flow. He’s making noise about “dark money” and accuses them of pulling strings behind the scenes. It seems like the left’s got more secrets than a spy novel.


Written by Staff Reports

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