
Liberal Analyst Slams FBI Over Biden Hunter Probe Delays: Double Standards Exposed?

CNN analyst Elie Honig, known for his staunchly liberal views, has surprisingly voiced his concern regarding the Hunter Biden investigation, accusing the FBI of dragging the investigation out for too long. Honig is not the only one, as journalists have been reporting that the probe had been in progress since 2018. Hunter Biden has been under investigation for issues such as tax controversies, gun laws, and alleged possession of firearms while he was addicted to drugs. Honig believes that this should have taken no more than a few weeks, not over five years.

While Honig claimed that this investigation is not about Hunter Biden’s laptop, it is worth noting that the tax and gun cases involve messages on the laptop, and a grand jury had allegedly asked a witness about the “10 percent for the big guy” message on the laptop. It’s possible that it could have been broken out into a separate case. There have been concerns that the FBI might try to avoid dealing with the influence-peddling issue by simply concentrating on Hunter’s taxes and the gun charge.

It is unacceptable that it has taken the FBI this long to make a call on Hunter Biden’s case with all the evidence available. Even former Attorney General Bill Barr expressed disbelief that it had taken this long and said they needed to “fish or cut bait.” This comes as a glaring example of the unequal application of the law, as the Special Counsel took only a few months to whip up action against former President Donald Trump. Trump’s indictment was dropped on the same day explosive details about the Biden bribery form came to light.

The longer the Hunter Biden investigation drags on, the more obvious it becomes that something is amiss with the process. It eventually becomes too clear that if it’s Trump, they go to great lengths to go after him, but if it’s someone from the Democratic party, the issue, more often than not, disappears into an abyss with no real action. The time has come for a prompt resolution to the Hunter Biden case.

Written by Staff Reports

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