
Liberal City Targets Students Based on Race, Gender in Shocking New Rule!

In Portland, Oregon, a teachers strike has come to an end with an agreement that includes a rather interesting provision: providing “restorative justice” to students who fit the right criteria. CNN reports that the strike was resolved at the end of last month. In the past, middle and high school students could face suspensions of at least five days for serious incidents of physical harm or threats of violence. However, under the new agreement, a team of staff psychologists, counselors, and social workers will now become involved, with additional staff being assigned as needed.

The district’s decision to implement this change is rooted in its desire to address the issue of non-white students being suspended at a higher rate. Oregon Public Broadcasting reveals that the district’s Collective Bargaining Team noted in a letter to families that black, Native American, and other students of color are referred out of class more frequently. The letter further stated that students with special education services also face disproportionate discipline. The hope is that the new disciplinary policy, which emphasizes restorative justice and takes into account factors such as trauma, race, gender identity, and sexual orientation, will address these disparities.

Under the new collective bargaining agreement, suspensions will no longer be mandatory. Instead, students may be removed from class but not from school completely. The agreement highlights the district’s commitment to incorporating research on racial equity, social justice, restorative justice, and trauma-informed practices. The goal is to minimize the use of exclusionary discipline and maximize instructional time while also repairing harm within the school community. However, it should be noted that escalating violence or serious violent incidents can still lead to a student’s removal from school.

While the district sees this as a progressive step toward addressing disproportionate discipline, not everyone agrees. Michele Exner, senior adviser for Parents Defending Education, views the discipline policy as “absurd” and believes it will only contribute to the already divisive climate within academic institutions. Portland was in the process of piloting a restorative justice program when the pandemic hit, focusing on the impact of such practices on students of color who have been disproportionately affected by major discipline referrals.

Written by Staff Reports

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