
Liberal Media Defends Shooter: Ignores Victims at Splash Pad Attack!

The liberal media is at it again, folks! Painting a sympathetic portrait of a mass shooter, can you believe it? In Rochester Hills, Michigan, a 42-year-old man went on a shooting spree at a family-friendly splash pad, injuring nine innocent people, including young children. What a tragedy! But instead of focusing on the victims and their families, the media is already trying to humanize the shooter by highlighting his mental health struggles. Give me a break!

Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard gave the details of the horrifying incident, describing how the gunman callously opened fire on families enjoying a sunny day at the park. This coward reloaded his weapon multiple times, firing off 28 shots like a deranged lunatic. What drives someone to commit such a heinous act? Mental health issues or not, there’s no excuse for this kind of evil behavior.

And get this – after causing chaos and destruction, the shooter decided to take the easy way out by shooting himself. Typical. These cowards always think they can escape justice by ending their own lives. It’s just infuriating to see how little regard they have for the lives they’ve destroyed.

In times like these, it’s important to remember the value of self-defense. As Michigan Rep. John James said, always be prepared to protect yourself and your loved ones from these dangerous individuals. Don’t rely on the government or law enforcement to save you in a crisis – take responsibility for your own safety.

The media will undoubtedly try to spin this tragedy to fit their own narrative, but we must not let them distract us from the real issue at hand: the need for tougher laws and stricter enforcement to keep our communities safe. Let’s stand together, pray for the victims, and demand justice for those affected by this senseless act of violence. Stay vigilant, patriots, and don’t let the liberals control the narrative.

Written by Staff Reports

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