
Liberal Media Exposed: Viral Video in Germany Actually an Anti-AfD Protest, Not Pro-Palestinian!

Well, well, well, it looks like the liberal media strikes again with their fake news! A viral video on X, formerly known as Twitter (because who even uses that platform anymore?), claimed to show a pro-Palestinian protest in Germany. But guess what? It’s all a bunch of hogwash!

Our crack team of fact-checkers, led by the incredible Christine Sellers, has debunked this leftist propaganda. The original video actually captured a protest in Leipzig against the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. You see, the liberals couldn’t resist twisting the truth to fit their narrative. They just couldn’t stand the idea of a patriotic demonstration against their precious open borders and radical agenda.

Now, why would they do such a thing, you may ask? Well, it all goes back to their crazy idea of banning the AfD party. According to Deutsche Welle, these leftists are up in arms because two AfD members had the audacity to talk about deporting migrants. God forbid we have a political party that actually wants to protect our borders and uphold the rule of law!

So, instead of reporting on the real news, the liberal media decides to push their pro-Palestinian agenda. The video caption claimed that the public was showing their support for Palestine. Give me a break! These so-called journalists think they can twist the truth and manipulate public opinion. But lucky for us, we have Christine Sellers to set the record straight.

Let’s not forget that this video has absolutely nothing to do with the current war between Israel and Hamas. Check Your Fact couldn’t find a single credible news report that mentioned this viral video in relation to the conflict. It’s just another example of the liberal media trying to deceive us conservatives.

The AfD party, on the other hand, stands for everything that’s right. They believe in direct democracy, the rule of law, and protecting German culture. So of course, the leftists are up in arms and organizing protests. They can’t handle the fact that there are still people in Germany who aren’t brainwashed by their globalist agenda.


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