
Liberal Media Overstates Black Voter Enthusiasm for Kamala Harris

Liberal media outlets have done it again, this time accidentally celebrating what can only be described as a staggering flop for Kamala Harris. The 2024 election season is shaping up to be a masterclass in media manipulation, a skill honed to perfection during the chaotic circus of 2020. A recent report from The Hill has sent shockwaves through the liberal echo chamber, with some in the media barely able to contain their joy over a poll supposedly showing heightened enthusiasm among Black voters for this year’s election.

According to the report, a polling collaboration between the NAACP and some so-called research firms has found that a whopping 78% of Black voters are bursting with excitement about the election. The catch is that a mere 63% say they’ll be supporting Kamala Harris, which somewhat diminishes the triumphant tone. This leads to the inevitable question: how can Harris be celebrated as the new Barack Obama when support for her is a whopping 32 percentage points lower than what Obama enjoyed in 2008? It appears that the media celebrating this as a “historic surge” might want to revisit their math or perhaps their common sense.

Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP, chimed in about the importance of votes, declaring that lives depend on them, which is fine, but he might want to ask how many Black voters are actually dialing up for Kamala. The numbers suggest that Harris’s appeal runs thinner than a dime-store dime novel, especially when you consider the 26% of Black men under 50 who reportedly have the audacity to support Donald Trump. The statistical coffee break reveals that while Harris may have some goin’ on, it’s clear that she isn’t sweeping the board like her predecessor—a fact that should set off alarm bells for her campaign.

As for the numbers in total, 63% of Black voters leaning toward Harris is not the disaster level of support she’d like, but it’s still a far cry from being the locked-in Democratic fortress the left hoped for. The numbers are even more troubling for her among certain demographics, as Black men express growing discontent with the woman who has been the face of the Biden administration’s various dilemmas. If this isn’t a red flag, it should be treated as one of those massive signs placed outside a burning building—“Evacuate Immediately.”

The media attempts to spin this as overwhelming support for Harris are laughable in the face of historical context. It may be comforting for left-leaners to site a 64-point lead over Trump in one poll, but that’s nothing to write home about when you stack it against the substantial 78-point cushion Joe Biden had back in 2020. A simple glance back to other elections showcases Harris’s numbers paling in comparison to the previous Democrats that comfortably cradled voters from the Black community.

In summary, the liberal media may wish to proclaim Kamala Harris’s standing as a sign of resounding excitement, but a little perspective reveals it for what it truly is: a precarious position that should have the Democratic Party biting their nails. If Black voter support continues to slide, particularly in swing states where each vote counts, Harris might just find herself in the political trenches, battling an opponent who thrived on the very discontent she’s failing to address. One thing is clear: for all their hand-wringing over the “enthusiasm” among Black voters, the numbers suggest that Harris’s claim to this so-called legacy may just be an empty echo in an increasingly disenchanted party.

Written by Staff Reports

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