
Liberal Media Spin on Hamas Terror Denial Deception and Dangerous Lies

The liberal media strikes again with their twisted and misleading reporting on the horrifying terror attack carried out by Hamas. Instead of using the appropriate language and calling this what it truly is – radical Islamic terrorism – the liberal media chooses to sanitize the crimes committed by these Hamas terrorists. It’s like they’re playing a game of twist, dive, dip, duck, and dodge, trying to avoid the truth.

On October 7, more than 1,000 Hamas terrorists stormed the Gaza border, unleashing a rampage of torture, rape, murder, and kidnapping. Yet, the Washington Post chooses to downplay the severity of these crimes by describing the victims as “detained,” as if they were mere suspects in a police arrest or stuck in an extra-long TSA screening line at the airport. It’s a clear manifestation of the liberal media’s anti-Israel bias, and it’s truly appalling.

Families like the Kalderons are living in constant fear and anguish, desperately trying to find proof of life for their loved ones who were taken by these Hamas terrorists. Hadas Kalderon received a chilling text from her son, urging her to stay quiet and not move, as the militants stormed their home. Can you imagine the terror and helplessness she must have felt in that moment? And yet, the liberal media chooses to focus on minor details, instead of condemning the savage acts of Hamas.

To make matters worse, the liberal media irresponsibly spread false information about Israel striking a hospital in Gaza, claiming that it killed hundreds of innocent people. This turned out to be a complete fabrication. The truth is that the parking lot, not the hospital, was hit, and the death toll was only 10-50. And who committed this act of violence? The terrorists themselves. But the liberal media didn’t bother with the facts, instead jumping on the Hamas propaganda bandwagon and endangering lives.

It’s time for the liberal media to stop playing games and start reporting the truth. Radical Islamic terrorism is a real and terrifying threat, and it’s time to call it what it is. The victims of these heinous crimes deserve justice, and the liberal media’s biased reporting only serves to enable and embolden terrorists. We need honest and accurate reporting, not sanitized versions that fit a particular narrative.

Written by Staff Reports

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