
Liberals Deface George Washington Statue at Gwen Stefani U

Liberals’ Latest Target: George Washington Statue at Gwen Stefani U
There was quite a ruckus at the hallowed grounds of Gwen Stefani U in the nation’s capital recently. Anti-Israel protesters took their shenanigans to a whole new level by defacing a statue of none other than America’s founding father, George Washington, with a Palestinian flag. Oh, the horror!

The miscreants, clearly lacking a history lesson or two, dubbed the university as the “Genocidal Warmongering University” and plastered these words in bold paint on the statue’s base. They even had the audacity to leave behind flowers and signs asking for the liberation of Palestine. Can you believe the nerve of these folks?

This whole charade began when the anti-Israel crowd decided to set up camp on campus, spreading their discontent from University Yard to H Street. The group, made up of students from various universities in the DMV area, decided to make some demands. They called for dropping charges against pro-Palestinian protesters, divesting from companies supporting Israel, and severing academic ties with the country. Talk about a tall order!

It seems this trend of anti-Israel encampments is spreading like wildfire across universities in the country. From Columbia to Harvard, these protests are popping up faster than a game of whack-a-mole. Even at UCLA, Breitbart News got a taste of the action when they were accosted by the Palestine Solidarity Encampment. What a time to be alive, huh?

Let’s hope these protesters brush up on their American history and find a more productive way to channel their grievances. After all, defacing statues and making outrageous demands won’t get them very far in the long run. Let’s stick to civil discourse, folks.

Written by Staff Reports

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