
Libs Attack Parental Rights in CA School Battle!

Well, well, well, isn’t it just typical for the liberal left to once again trample on the rights of parents? California Attorney General Rob Bonta has filed a lawsuit against the Chino Valley Unified School District because they had the audacity to implement a policy that actually respects parental rights. Can you believe it?

You see, this policy required school staff to inform parents if their child decided to identify by a different gender or use a different name or pronouns. Seems pretty reasonable, right? But no, according to Bonta, this policy apparently violates students’ right to education and privacy. Give me a break! It’s clear that Bonta is just another liberal puppet, dancing to the tune of the radical LGBTQ+ agenda.

Now, let’s not forget that this is not an isolated incident. Nearby school districts in California were also considering similar policies, but thank goodness for some common sense. The Murrieta Valley Unified School District and the Orange Unified School District were both considering measures to protect parental rights. But here comes the grand savior, Governor Gavin Newsom, swooping in to stop these districts from doing the right thing.

And what is Newsom’s excuse? His administration claims that these policies endanger transgender students, even going so far as to say that many are at risk of violence at home. While no one supports violence or discrimination, it’s clear that Newsom is just fearmongering to push his own agenda. These policies are about respecting the rights of parents, not endangering anyone.

But fear not, my conservative friends, because the Chino Valley school board is not backing down. Sonja Shaw, the board president, responded to Bonta’s lawsuit with a defiant “Bring it!” That’s the spirit, Sonja! We need more strong-willed people like her who are willing to stand up for what’s right.

It’s clear that this lawsuit is just another attempt by the left to squash any opposition to their radical ideology. They want to dictate what our children learn, how they identify, and even what pronouns they use. Well, I say enough is enough! Parents have a right to be involved in their children’s lives and to be informed about what is happening at school. And no liberal attorney general or governor will take that away from us!

So let’s rally together, conservatives, and fight back against these pro-LGBTQ+ policies that undermine parental rights. Our children deserve an education that aligns with our values and beliefs, and we must never stop fighting for their future.

Written by Staff Reports

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