
Liz Cheney’s Delusional Anti-Trump Crusade Strikes Again!

Former Rep. Liz Cheney has once again emerged from the swamp to attack the one and only true president, Donald J. Trump, with baseless claims that electing him could mean the end of our great republic. She’s over here yelling, “He’s told us what he will do. It’s very easy to see the steps that he will take,” as if she can predict the future! News flash, Liz, you’re not a fortune teller! She’s been on a non-stop mission to smear the good name of President Trump, even going as far as to vote for his impeachment! It’s clear she’s still salty about losing her election in Wyoming and just can’t get over it.

Ms. Cheney seems to think that she’s the all-knowing oracle of democracy, claiming that the Republicans in Congress have been “co-opted” and implying that we’re all just sheep being led to the slaughter. She’s even promoting a book to push her agenda, titled “Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning,” where she’s using fear-mongering language to push her anti-Trump narrative. Spare us the melodrama!

In a preview clip of her CBS Sunday Morning interview, Ms. Cheney went on to say, “One of the things we see today is sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States.” Oh, give me a break, Liz! The only thing we’re sleepwalking into is another one of your boring speeches. The only dictator Americans need to worry about is Biden and his liberal cronies trampling on our freedoms with their socialist agenda.

It’s time for Ms. Cheney to accept that the American people have spoken, and they chose President Trump. Instead of spewing her doom and gloom warnings, maybe she should focus on actually serving the interests of her constituents and supporting the America First agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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