
Long Island Castle Ready: Where Are NYC’s Migrants, De Blasio?

The owner of Oheka Castle in Long Island is still patiently waiting for NYC to send migrants to his struggling hotel. The castle owner, Gary Melius, reached out to Mayor Eric Adams several weeks ago offering up his Quality Inn in Massena near the Canadian border as a solution. However, he has received no response from the city thus far. Meanwhile, migrants are left to sleep on cardboard in front of Manhattan’s migrant processing center. Melius is perplexed by the lack of action, as his hotel has the capacity to house 180 people and is conveniently located in the center of town with its own kitchen and catering hall.

From a business standpoint, this seems like a win-win situation for Melius, the city, and the migrants. The hotel owner can increase his occupancy rate, the city can alleviate the overflow of migrants on its streets, and the migrants can finally have a proper place to stay. However, it appears that politics may be getting in the way of finding a practical solution.

It’s worth noting that Melius is not an open-borders advocate. He simply believes that people should come in through the correct legal channels. By offering up his hotel, he is demonstrating a willingness to help, but also understands the importance of following the proper procedures.

The city hall has acknowledged Melius’s proposal and said that it will be reviewed. However, with more than 95,000 asylum seekers coming through the city’s intake system since last spring, it is clear that the situation is dire. The city is in need of support from its state and federal partners to effectively handle the migrant crisis.

On a related note, the influx of migrants has led to a concerning increase in contagious diseases in New York City. The city’s Health Commissioner recently stated that illegal immigration has brought a new wave of tuberculosis and polio to the city. Tuberculosis rates in the city have more than doubled the national average, with 6.1 cases per 100,000.

This news highlights the urgent need for proper health screenings and vaccinations for immigrants entering the country. It is crucial to ensure the well-being of both the immigrants themselves and the communities they are joining.

Written by Staff Reports

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