
Macron’s Mess: Fuming Farmers Fling Manure in Fiery Protest!

In France, angry farmers are making some noise by dumping manure and burning hay in Avignon and Toulouse. They are not playing around and have had it up to here with the globalist government and all their shenanigans. These farmers are mad as hornets and are not afraid to let everyone know it.

The farmers are not just mad for no reason – they’ve got some beef with the government. They are fed up with overregulation, inflation, and all this talk about being green. They are saying that all of this is making it impossible for them to make a decent living and feed everyone. They want to grow their crops in peace, but the government just won’t let them do it. It’s a real mess.

The farmers are sending a strong message to the supermarkets too. They are saying that they are not getting enough money for the food they produce, and they are not having it anymore. They want to be paid what they deserve, and they are not afraid to go up against the big shots to make it happen.

The whole situation is getting pretty wild. There are tractors and vehicles causing a ruckus in the cities, with manure and straw being thrown all over the place. They even tried to break into a supermarket, claiming that the supermarket was keeping all the extra money for themselves. It’s like a scene out of an action movie!

The farmers are not alone in their frustration. They are demanding that the government step up and do something about the Egalim law, which is supposed to help them negotiate fair prices for their goods. But according to the farmers, the law is not doing much to help them out, and they’ve had enough of the government’s empty promises.

This whole thing in France is part of a much bigger wave of protests across Europe by farmers who are sick and tired of the government’s interference in their lives. It’s not just about France – farmers all over Europe are standing up and saying “enough is enough.” They are not going to take it anymore. This is just the beginning of what could be a major showdown between the farmers and the powers that be.

Written by Staff Reports

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