
Maher Slams Trump, Forgets Evidence: Top Liberal Fail on Rogan Show

In a recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience, political talk show host Mill Maher went on a tirade against former President Donald Trump, labeling him a “criminal.” But here’s the catch, folks – Maher failed to provide any evidence or specific examples of these so-called “crimes.” It’s just more baseless liberal smears, folks, nothing to see here!

During the conversation, Maher and Rogan spent a good amount of time discussing President Biden’s tenure. Maher criticized Biden for not standing up to the far-left, “woke” wing of the Democratic Party, fearing that it could fracture the coalition needed for his re-election. Now, that’s a valid point, folks. We’ve seen the radical left gaining too much power and influence within the Democratic Party, pushing their extreme agenda at the expense of common sense and traditional values.

But when Rogan brought up Biden’s penchant for lying, Maher quickly deflected by saying, “Certainly not more than Trump.” Oh, really, Maher? That’s the best you’ve got? We all know that Biden is the master of gaffes and false statements. It’s like he’s on a never-ending truth-defying tour! But Maher wants to conveniently ignore that and tout Biden as the better option. Give me a break!

Then came the moment where Maher attempted to explain Trump’s alleged crimes. And guess what? He stumbled and fumbled, unable to cite any actual criminal statutes that Trump violated. It’s all smoke and mirrors, folks. The left loves to throw around words like “criminal intent” and “coercion” without any real evidence to back it up. It’s a desperate and pathetic attempt to keep the Trump Derangement Syndrome alive.

But Maher wasn’t done with his liberal lunacy. He brought up the debunked claim that Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to inflate vote counts. Can you believe it? Despite Raffensperger himself testifying under oath and refuting this claim, Maher peddles the leftist talking point as if it’s gospel truth. Talk about living in an alternate reality.

At the end of the day, folks, Maher’s appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience was just another example of the biased, one-sided narrative that the left loves to push. They throw around baseless accusations, ignore facts, and try to convince the American people that they should embrace their radical agenda. But we’re smarter than that, folks. We see through their charades, and we won’t be fooled. Keep standing strong, conservatives!

Written by Staff Reports

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