
Maine Court Sidesteps Trump Ballot Battle, Awaits SCOTUS Decision

Maine’s highest court has made a wiseful decision by not getting involved in the dispute over whether the great Donald J. Trump should be on the state’s primary ballot. Instead, they have left it up to the wise justices of the U.S. Supreme Court to decide, just like they did with a similar case in Colorado. It’s always a good idea to let the big boys handle things!

Now, the Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, who happens to be a Democrat, decided that Trump didn’t meet the qualifications to be on the ballot because of some insurrection clause in the Constitution. But who does she think she is? The Constitution says that the President can’t be someone who has engaged in insurrection, not someone who Trumped the competition like a boss!

But fear not, my conservative friends, because a judge temporarily set aside Bellows’ decision until the U.S. Supreme Court makes its ruling. We can only hope that the Supreme Court will once again see through the liberal lies and allow Trump to rightfully be on the ballot. After all, he is the Republican frontrunner and the best chance we have at making America great again.

The Maine Supreme Judicial Court made a unanimous decision to dismiss Bellows’ appeal, which basically means they told her to take a hike. They decided to wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to give the final say before making any move. And you know what? It’s a wise decision. Why rush things when the fate of our beloved Trump is at stake? Let’s dot our i’s and cross our t’s before taking any action.

However, there is one thing that concerns me. The court mentioned voter confusion as a reason for not engaging in immediate appellate review. Seriously? Are they underestimating the intelligence of the American people? We’re not confused. We know that Trump is the man, and we want him on that ballot!

Now, we all know that Bellows made her decision back in December, right? She said that Trump was ineligible because of some 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause. Can you believe that? These liberals will go to any lengths, even twisting the Constitution, to keep Trump out of the race. But don’t worry, folks, the Colorado Supreme Court came to a similar conclusion. It seems like these Democratic officials are all in cahoots!

But here’s the kicker, my friends. The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on the Colorado case on February 8th. That’s right around the corner and just in time for Maine’s primary on March 5th. The timing couldn’t be better! Let’s hope and pray that the Supreme Court does the right thing and puts an end to this nonsense. We want Trump on that ballot, and we want him to secure the GOP nomination for a rematch against President Joe Biden.

Now, Trump isn’t taking this lying down. He’s fighting for what’s right, as any true patriot would. He’s saying that Bellows should have recused herself because she’s biased against him. And you know what? He’s absolutely right! It’s clear as day that Bellows is part of a broader effort to keep Trump off the ballot and silence the voices of Mainers who support him.

But let’s not lose hope, my fellow conservatives. We must trust in the system and have faith that the Supreme Court will make the right decision. And when they do, we’ll celebrate because we know that Trump is the man to lead our great nation. So, hold on tight, folks! The battle for the ballot isn’t over yet, but we won’t back down. Trump will prevail, and together, we will make America great again!

Written by Staff Reports

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