
Man Arrested After Rampage at Florida Church Causing $10,000 in Damages

Police in Florida have arrested a man, Timothy Bornman, for causing a disturbance at The Mission Church in Palm Bay. Bornman allegedly broke into the church, shouting and being disrespectful to people inside while holding a Stanley cup. Upon the arrival of law enforcement, he threatened one of the officers and attempted to hit another with the Stanley cup. Although the officer managed to dodge the cup, they were still struck on the shoulder.

Bornman then tried to flee the scene, prompting police to use a Taser to subdue him and place him in handcuffs. Prior to the church incident, Bornman reportedly broke into a shed and used a sledgehammer to gain entry to the church, causing extensive damage estimated at over $10,000. He claimed that his actions were motivated by a belief that the church had taken things from him.

Such behavior is entirely unacceptable. Churches should be places of respect, and violence against police officers is never justified. It is crucial for individuals to adhere to the law and treat others with kindness and respect. Hopefully, Bornman will learn from this experience and come to understand the consequences of his actions.


Written by Staff Reports

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