
Manchin Defiant: Calls for Border Control Overhaul, Shuns Dems’ Chaos!

In the ongoing chaos surrounding border security negotiations, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia is standing tall and making it clear where he stands. While other Democrats are playing coy, Manchin is not afraid to call out the disaster happening at the border. He boldly states, “Our borders are a mess. And to say that it’s not — and for any Democrat or anybody to say that it’s not in jeopardy right now. We have to close our borders down. We’ve got to control the borders. And we have to change the, basically, the ‘asylum’ definition of what it takes to get into our country.”

In a recent appearance on Fox News’s Hannity, Manchin did not mince words. He called for a complete overhaul of the asylum system, insisting that desperate people should come to the United States legally, not by breaking the law. It’s a common-sense approach that appears to be lost on many of his Democratic colleagues.

And he didn’t stop there. On CNN’s State of the Union, Manchin blasted the broken border system, declaring that the world is “taking advantage” of it. He emphasized that the focus should be on securing the border, not on comprehensive immigration reform. It’s a refreshing perspective in a sea of wishy-washy politicians.

Even though he’s announced he won’t seek reelection, Manchin shows no signs of slowing down. He’s gearing up for a two-month tour to rally support from “politically homeless” individuals, showing that he’s committed to making a difference, even as he steps away from the Senate.

While the Senate negotiations drag on, led by senators from both parties, Manchin’s bold stance sets him apart. He’s not afraid to defy President Joe Biden and distance himself from the extreme ideas of the far Left. In a recent interview, Manchin brushed off rumors about a presidential run but left the door open. He admonished the polarized state of politics and stressed the importance of unity and cooperation, proving once again that he’s a true maverick in the Democratic party.

Written by Staff Reports

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