
Manchin’s Shock Retirement: Will He Sabotage Biden’s Reelection or Trump’s Comeback?

Sen. Joe Manchin’s retirement from the Senate was met with mixed reactions from his colleagues, as revealed in recent interviews. While Manchin expressed his desire to create a movement to bring Americans together, some Senate Democrats are concerned about the impact his potential third-party presidential bid could have on President Biden’s chances of reelection.

Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan expressed her disappointment, stating that Manchin’s entry into the race would increase the likelihood of Donald Trump winning another term. Stabenow praised Manchin’s contributions to getting things done in the Senate and emphasized his support for President Biden.

Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut echoed Stabenow’s sentiment, claiming that a Manchin presidential bid would undercut President Biden and that the idea of another Trump term was more frightening than any other political event in his lifetime. Blumenthal believed that Manchin’s run would undermine the unity and progress Biden aims to achieve.

However, Democrat strategist Steve Jardin dismissed the idea of Manchin’s success as a third-party candidate. He argued that once Trump or Biden realized Manchin was hurting their chances more than the other side, they would actively work to take him down. Jardin also highlighted the challenges Manchin would face running as a third-party candidate and the unlikelihood of winning a state.

Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut appeared unfazed by the potential third-party bid, confident that Manchin would draw more votes from Trump than from Biden. Murphy downplayed the impact of Manchin’s candidacy, indicating that it would not significantly impact the race’s outcome.

In conclusion, while some Senate Democrats express concerns about Joe Manchin’s potential third-party presidential bid, others seem less worried and believe it would have minimal impact. However, it is clear that Manchin’s decision has sparked debate within the Democratic Party about the potential consequences for President Biden’s reelection prospects. These discussions highlight the rifts and differing opinions within the party as they navigate the upcoming election cycle.

Written by Staff Reports

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