
Marco Rubio Dragged by YouTube for Unmasking Savage Hamas Tactics

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has been speaking out against Hamas and their acts of terrorism against Israeli civilians. However, his comments were flagged and removed from YouTube due to their alleged violation of the platform’s “hate speech policy.” It seems that according to YouTube, terrorists like Hamas are considered a “protected group” and any remarks that incite hatred towards them are not allowed.

This is a prime example of big tech censorship and political correctness gone too far. It’s absurd that YouTube would label Rubio’s truthful and justified comments as hate speech. Hamas has committed countless acts of violence and their actions should be called out for what they are – savage and disgusting.

Rubio highlighted the fact that Iran plays a significant role in supporting Hamas. Without the support they receive from Iran, they wouldn’t have the resources to carry out their brutal attacks. It’s time for people to wake up and recognize the true nature of these terrorist groups. They are not simply misunderstood or misguided individuals, they are ideological psychopaths who would stop at nothing to harm Jews and Americans.

The atrocities committed by Hamas are horrifying and cannot be ignored. They target innocent civilians, including women, children, and even babies. Israel has released disturbing images of infants who were brutally murdered, some of them decapitated. These acts of violence cannot be justified or excused.

It is unfortunate that YouTube has chosen to silence Senator Rubio’s important message. Freedom of speech should be upheld, especially when it comes to exposing and condemning acts of terrorism. It is crucial for people to understand the truth about Hamas and the danger they pose to innocent lives.

Written by Staff Reports

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