
Maryland Governor Denies Biden’s Border Policies Role in Tragic Murder of Mother-of-Five

Maryland Democrat Gov. Wes Moore seems to have missed the memo on accountability, refusing to admit that President Joe Biden’s border policies played any part in the tragic death of Rachel Morin, a mother-of-five. Her killer, Victor Martinez-Hernandez, wasn’t just an illegal alien; he was a walking testament to the failures of current border control.

Martinez-Hernandez, 23, strolled into the United States illegally in February 2023, already suspected of murder in El Salvador. After failing to apprehend him, the Biden administration essentially handed him a free pass to wreak havoc on American soil. Morin, 37, was last seen on August 5, 2023, taking a hike on the Ma & Pa Trail in Bel Air, Maryland. The following day, her body was discovered, leading to a heart-wrenching homicide investigation. DNA evidence linked back to Martinez-Hernandez, whose criminal resume includes an assault and home invasion in Los Angeles earlier that year.

Moore’s finger-pointing at the inaction in Washington is like blaming the rain for the flood after you’ve failed to build a dam. He lamented the loss of Morin, labeling it “infuriating,” and reiterated his stance that local jurisdictions suffer due to the inefficacy in Washington. Yet, he skirted around the glaring truth: Biden’s border policies are making American citizens sitting ducks.

Meanwhile, Harford Sheriff Jeff Gahler didn’t mince words. He made it crystal clear that 1,800 miles from the southern border doesn’t mean safe distance from its repercussions. This isn’t the first time Maryland has dealt with such a tragedy; two innocent women have lost their lives to criminal aliens in the past two years, all thanks to failed immigration policies. Both perpetrators hailed from El Salvador with gang affiliations that would make a Hollywood scriptwriter blush. 


Sheriff Gahler emphasized that Martinez-Hernandez didn’t cross the border for the American dream. He fled to the U.S. to escape the crime he committed in El Salvador, ultimately claiming Morin’s life. This is the bitter storyline America has to tolerate in the Biden era: innocent lives lost, communities grieved, and a southern border that’s practically a welcome mat for criminals.

Meanwhile, the White House pulled out the classic playbook, offering “deepest condolences” while hiding behind the curtain of an “active law enforcement case.” The administration maintains that criminals should be held accountable to the fullest extent, but their lip service is becoming as effective as a screen door on a submarine. Words don’t save lives, action does — and so far, the current administration’s actions have left much to be desired.

As towns like Bel Air grieve, they do so knowing their tragedy could have been avoided. It’s not a question of geography; it’s a question of leadership. And until Washington takes border enforcement seriously, the American dream is at risk of turning into an American nightmare for more families like the Morins.

Written by Staff Reports

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