
Mass Exodus Planned: Illegal Border Crossers Set for Release

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has exposed an internal Border Patrol email that reveals the Biden administration’s alarming plan to release a flood of foreign nationals into the United States. The email, obtained by Moody’s office, provides guidelines for the release of individuals in Customs and Border Patrol processing centers that are already at or over capacity.

Moody is not mincing words about the reckless actions of President Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas. She highlights that a federal judge has already deemed these releases unlawful, yet the Biden administration insists on releasing even more immigrants into the interior of our country. It’s clear that the administration is willing to trample over the rule of law to further its open borders agenda.

Despite Mayorkas’ false claims that the border is closed and secure, an unprecedented number of people are being processed through ports of entry using the new CBP One App. As a result, the processing centers are bursting at the seams and cannot handle the influx of individuals, including families and unaccompanied minors. This situation not only puts a strain on resources, but it also poses a serious threat to our national security. With the majority of Border Patrol agents tied up with processing duties, criminals are slipping through undetected between ports of entry, creating a dangerous situation for Americans.

The email obtained by Moody’s office confirms that Border Patrol agents have been instructed to release even more people into the U.S. The email, sent by the Acting Deputy Chief of the Law Enforcement Operations Directorate, acknowledges the rising number of individuals in custody and the strain it is placing on agents and detainees. This is yet another troubling sign that the Biden administration is more concerned with appeasing open borders advocates than protecting American citizens and enforcing our immigration laws. The border crisis, which is a direct result of Biden’s disastrous policies, is spinning out of control, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that this chaos is not accidental but deliberately orchestrated by the Biden administration.

This border disaster extends beyond just the overwhelming number of illegal immigrants pouring into our country. The Border Patrol is also apprehending violent criminals, including murderers, rapists, and child sex offenders. These individuals pose a significant threat to the safety and well-being of American citizens, and yet they are being released and allowed to roam freely in our communities.

Preliminary data obtained by The Center Square paints a grim picture of the crisis at the southwest border. Over 215,000 illegal foreign nationals were apprehended or reported evading capture last month alone. And this month, Border Patrol agents have already apprehended nearly 76,000 illegal border crossers, with over 12,300 managed to escape. The stations in Eagle Pass, Texas, and Ajo, Arizona, are particularly busy, with thousands of people being apprehended.

The email from Border Patrol, which Moody obtained, serves as undeniable evidence of the disastrous consequences of President Biden’s border policies. Instead of securing our borders and enforcing our laws, Biden is cutting resources, opening the floodgates, and then releasing detainees into the interior of our country. It’s a vicious cycle that is pushing our country to the brink. But rest assured, conservatives like Moody will not stand idly by. They will continue to fight back and expose the truth about the Biden administration’s intentional orchestration of this border crisis. The American people deserve to know the truth about what Biden is doing.

Written by Staff Reports

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