
Mayorkas Snubs Border Agents, No Apology for Whip Hoax!

OMG, you won’t believe the latest scandal involving those poor Border Patrol agents who were unjustly accused of whipping illegal migrants. It turns out, after what feels like eons, they finally got to confront the big cheese himself, Alejandro Mayorkas, to give him a piece of their minds! But did they get the apology they rightfully deserved? Nope, not a chance!

So, let’s rewind a bit. Remember when all those photos and videos circulated showing the agents on horseback trying to control the chaos at the border? Well, the Democrats, including President Joe Biden, jumped on the bandwagon and accused the agents of mistreating the migrants. Biden even promised that “those people will pay”! Talk about jumping to conclusions faster than a kangaroo on a trampoline!

And don’t even get started on California Rep. Maxine Waters, who compared the incident to “what we witnessed in slavery.” Seriously, where do they come up with this stuff? Anyway, after all that hoopla, an internal investigation found zero evidence of whipping. Zero, zilch, nada!

But wait, it gets better. Instead of owning up to their mistakes, Mayorkas and his cronies disciplined the agents for some vague “administrative violations.” Can you believe that? They’re out there doing life’s work, and this is the thanks they get.

And get this: Mayorkas didn’t even have the decency to apologize when he finally met with the agents. Nope, he just had a “professional and respectful” chat with them. What a bunch of malarkey! Those agents deserved so much more than a shoulder to cry on. They deserved justice!

To top it all off, the tensions between Border Patrol and the Biden administration are still brewing like a pot of coffee on a lazy Sunday morning. The administration hasn’t done diddly-squat to address the illegal migrant surge, and Border Patrol morale is plummeting faster than a lead balloon.

So, next time you think you’ve got it rough, just remember those poor Border Patrol agents who’ve been thrown under the bus by the powers that be. Can I get a “heck no” for the mistreatment they’ve endured? It’s a disgrace, plain and simple.

Remember, freedom-loving patriots, it’s up to us to stand up against the false narratives and support the truth tellers like The Western Journal. Our country’s future is hanging by a thread, and we need to cling to the truth like a kid clings to their favorite teddy bear at night.

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Written by Staff Reports

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