
McCarthy Teases Action on Biden Bribery Claims: What’s Next?

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has finally acknowledged the seriousness of the bribery allegations surrounding President Biden. He believes that they rise to the level of an impeachment inquiry, which is a bold statement. However, many members of the GOP base already suspected Biden’s involvement in illicit activities with his troubled son. It’s no secret that Hunter Biden has a questionable reputation, with his reported affinity for questionable activities and inappropriate behavior. These actions alone could be considered impeachable offenses.

While McCarthy’s acknowledgment is a step in the right direction, he is also calling for an inquiry into Attorney General Merrick Garland. This is due to Garland’s potential involvement in obstructing investigations into Hunter Biden. We will have to wait and see if McCarthy’s words turn into action.

The past few weeks have been quite damaging for the Biden administration. The recent FD-1023 report from an FBI source supports initial reports that Joe and Hunter Biden received millions from their involvement with Burisma. It also states that Burisma’s co-founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, kept records of these payments and recorded phone calls. This report adds credibility to the allegations against the Bidens.

On top of that, IRS whistleblowers Joseph Zeigler and Gary Shapley have testified about the Biden Department of Justice’s efforts to prevent criminal charges against Hunter Biden. These are not partisan individuals but rather credible and respected sources. Despite the Democrats’ attempts to discredit them, they have failed to counter their claims.

It’s evident that the Bidens engaged in shady government access deals, using shell corporations to hide their activities. If it weren’t for Hunter Biden’s carelessness, leaving his laptop at a repair shop, their scheme may have never come to light. These deals reportedly involved Russian intelligence assets, making the situation even more alarming. And let’s not forget that Joe Biden utilized the Department of Justice to protect himself after becoming president. All roads lead back to him, regardless of what happens to Hunter.

In conclusion, the bribery allegations and illegal activities surrounding the Bidens are deeply concerning and demand further investigation. It’s time for the truth to be uncovered and for those responsible to be held accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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