
Meadows’ Election Case Stays Put: Will Giuliani & Ellis Be Next?

Yesterday, a federal judge dashed Mark Meadows’ hopes of moving his 2020 election case to federal court. It’s a tough blow for the former White House Chief of Staff and one of Donald Trump’s 18 co-defendants in Georgia. Not so fast, Meadows!

Judge Steve Jones, in his 49-page opinion, made it clear that Meadows’ duties as Chief of Staff didn’t involve meddling in political activities. His job was merely a glorified personal assistant for Trump, managing the President’s schedule, accompanying him to campaign events, and redirecting communications. Sorry, Meadows, but that doesn’t make you immune to legal trouble.

But not all hope is lost for Meadows. He’s already filed an appeal to the eleventh circuit, eager to escape the clutches of this election saga. However, this ruling against him should serve as a cautionary tale to other Trump allies involved in this mess. If Meadows couldn’t swing it, what chance do Giuliani and Ellis have?

Interestingly, our beloved former President, Donald J. Trump, is contemplating a move to federal court for his trial. It seems like desperation is starting to set in. But Judge Jones’ ruling doesn’t bode well for Trump’s chances, as it suggests that all co-defendants may face an uphill battle in getting their cases transferred. Good luck, folks!

By denying Meadows’ request, the judge just made it harder for him to dismiss the charges. Meadows was banking on asserting executive privilege at the federal level, thinking he could somehow escape accountability for his alleged role in Trump’s election interference. It’s truly alarming how these swamp creatures will stop at nothing to avoid justice.

Let’s not forget about Giuliani and Ellis, who must be feeling the heat after this ruling. The writing is on the wall for them, too. They’re facing similar charges and could find themselves in the same sticky situation as Meadows. It’s a tough pill to swallow when you realize that playing dirty in politics doesn’t guarantee immunity from the law.

While the battle is far from over, Judge Jones’ ruling delivers a strong message to Meadows and his cohorts: you won’t be able to waltz into federal court with ease. And that’s good news for those of us who believe in real justice. We’ll be keeping a close eye on how this unfolds and praying for accountability for all involved. Stay tuned!

Written by Staff Reports

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