
Media Bias Exposed Overwhelmingly Favorable Coverage of Kamala Harris

A revealing study by the Media Research Center (MRC) has highlighted something that could rival even the most extravagant fairy tales in terms of sheer fantasy: the bias of mainstream media toward Vice President Kamala Harris. Anyone who has tuned into network news recently likely noticed reporters practically drooling over the new Democratic frontwoman. It’s almost as if late-night TV hosts are gearing up for her sitcom. In fact, the MRC found that a staggering 84% of Harris's media coverage since July 21 has been positive. This fawning adulation makes the early days of Obama’s presidency look like a critical film review.

In stark contrast, the coverage of Donald Trump during the same time period has oscillated in the complete opposite direction, with a whopping 89% of his airtime drenched in negativity. Such a dismal statistic raises eyebrows and begs the question of whether the networks are secretly collaborating with a voodoo priestess to cast a never-ending shadow over Trump. After all, what are the odds anyone could be portrayed unfavorably nine out of ten times without a hint of balance or fairness chipping in?

One would think that a particularly explosive event, like a former president being the target of an assassination attempt, might push the media to credit him with some nuanced coverage. However, it appears the media must have collectively decided that Trump shaking his fist and spurring on supporters doesn’t fit their painted narrative. Rather conveniently, that story seemed to be swept under the rug faster than a campaign contribution going to Harris’s dazzling fundraising efforts.

The extent of the bias towards Harris raises alarming red flags akin to those fluttering from the mast of an encroaching ship bound for authoritarianism. These unending waves of positivity and hero worship exhibited by the media indicate not just a lopsided political landscape but an outright assault on democratic principles. It’s an absolute marvel that with a tidal wave of favorable press for Harris, voter sentiment still appears tightly contested as the election looms.

Despite the lofty motto of the Washington Post about darkness being the death of democracy, it seems that democracy is actually at risk from the blinding glare of the networks’ bright lights—a spotlight strategically aimed to showcase only their handpicked narratives. The supposed role of the press as a watchdog has devolved into a warm-hearted petting zoo for those cozying up to the left. Every glaring flaw of a candidate should be scrutinized publicly, but that seems lost on journalists whose bias leaves little room for critical assessments.

The MRC’s Rich Noye noted that much of the syrupy praise for Harris came from enthusiastic fans, many of whom felt like they were back in the glory days of Obama. It’s almost reminiscent of the sales pitches for those infomercials that promise miracles with just a small down payment. Meanwhile, while Network Affirmative Action seems to overlook Harris’s radical left voting history, 62% favorable coverage has been doled out to her running mate Tim Walz, compared to the 92% of negative press directed at Republican counterpart Senator JD Vance.

This shameless bias reveals itself further when examining how the media gushes over Harris’s rally turnout and fundraising feats. With a staggering 192 positive statements compared to just 12 negative remarks about her, it underscores that the networks are desperate to provide an impressive narrative as they hype up her candidacy. Moreover, a jaw-dropping 66% more airtime has been granted to Harris than to Trump—not exactly an even playing field.

While many Trump supporters choose to disregard the mainstream media’s antics, the undeniable truth is these skewed narratives may well tilt the balance in an election where a mere few thousand votes could decide the fate of the nation. In the ever-entertaining circus of American politics, the media appears to be the ringmaster, unashamedly tipping the scales in favor of one side.

Written by Staff Reports

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