
Media Bias in Full Display as ABC Boosts Harris Ahead of Trump Debate

The spectacle of the establishment media shamelessly shilling for Kamala Harris during her impending debate with Donald Trump would almost be laughable if it weren’t so distressingly obvious. As if anyone needed more evidence that the mainstream outlets are more partisan than a political rally, ABC News is holding the debate while simultaneously spinning some dubious “good news” for Harris—a tactical maneuver that could easily make a seasoned carnival barker blush in shame.

In a delightful twist of irony, ABC decided to post an article touting Harris’s rising approval ratings just a day before the main event. This piece made some bold claims about her popularity, especially among voters under 40, female voters, and certain demographic groups. The article seemed intent on suggesting that Harris was the underdog poised for an upset—too bad it was all based on polling data that’s older than most of TikTok’s latest trends.

While the meticulously curated article did a wonderful job of showing Harris as a rising star, it conveniently omitted crucial details like sample size, margin of error, and timing. A fact-checker might wonder why this “news” came straight from data gathered from late August, months in political time. The omission of key details about the polling methodology from an earlier article on September 1 serves one critical purpose: to set the stage for the narrative ABC desperately wishes to push.

This spectacle had some astute observers scratching their heads online. One commentator pointed out that referencing a nearly month-old poll right before a live debate reeks of desperation and a lack of journalistic integrity. As if on cue, fresh polls, even from left-leaning sources, have started showing Trump regaining the lead—an inconvenient truth at odds with the cheerful headlines ABC tried to peddle. Nothing says credibility like trying to sell yesterday’s leftovers as today’s fresh catch.

To add more fuel to this obvious dumpster fire, rumors have circulated about ABC providing “assurances” to Harris’ team regarding favorable debate rules. While ABC claims these accusations are unfounded, the very fact that these whispers exist speaks volumes about their potential biases. It’s akin to a referee announcing who they support before the game even starts. Coupled with a moderator linking Trump to the KKK—a lifeline thrown to any narrative that preserves the Democrat establishment’s image—these incidents beg the question of whether the debate will be a fair fight or a rigged carnival game.

In conclusion, the spectacle surrounding the upcoming Trump-Harris debate essentially resembles a juggernaut careening toward a cliff. The star of this show, ABC News, seems hell-bent on creating the impression that the shadows of “better days” are just around the corner for the Vice President. But with each piece of shoddy journalism, the public is provided with more evidence that the show is rigged, and the stakes are set against Donald Trump before the first question is even asked.

Written by Staff Reports

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