
Media Ignoring Attack on Trump to Focus on Biden-Biden-Harris Switch

In this article rewrite, the author discusses the importance of following the Eighth Commandment from the Bible, which says not to steal. The writer mentions recent events involving President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. The author talks about how the media has been focusing on Joe Biden dropping out of the race and Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate instead of addressing the attempt on President Trump’s life.

The article highlights concerns about election integrity and the handling of security for political figures. It questions how the media and society would react if the roles were reversed and a candidate challenging President Trump was not adequately protected. The author emphasizes the need for a fair and transparent election process, free from fraud or interference.

Furthermore, the article touches on the potential dangers of political corruption and the importance of upholding moral values like those outlined in the Ten Commandments. The author urges Americans to stand up against any form of tyranny or injustice, especially when it comes to the democratic process and the freedom to choose political representatives.

In conclusion, the writer encourages peaceful activism and civic engagement to address concerns about potential election theft or political manipulation. The article stresses the significance of upholding principles of honesty and fairness in all aspects of society, including political elections.

Written by Staff Reports

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