
Megyn Kelly Slams Trans Agenda as Threat to Women’s Rights

As someone who has never shied away from controversy, combative former Fox News host Megyn Kelly has taken a stance on what she calls "the women's rights issue of our time." Kelly criticized unequivocally in an interview with the Washington Examiner the "co-opted" transgender movement for eroding female spaces and promoting drugs and surgeries on juveniles.

Kelly, who currently serves as the host of the Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM, conveyed her profound apprehension regarding the expanding impact of the transgender movement. She contends that it has "metastasized" to individuals who, in her opinion, do not genuinely experience gender dysphoria but rather seek a "social cause to make themselves feel special or unique."

Kelly, in an intriguing development, has been selected to preside over the fourth Republican National Debate. During this time, she intends to discuss topics that have not been previously explored in debates. It is probable that the event will feature a prominent discussion on the transgender issue, which is a subject that deeply affects Kelly, considering her resolute position on the subject.

The former news anchor expressed her concerns openly, painting a disconcerting picture of how the transgender movement has affected children in particular. Kelly lamented the escalating prevalence of transgender treatments involving minors—including hormone replacement therapy and surgical procedures. Young women, who may have previously contended with issues such as anorexia or cutting, are now being swept up in this social movement, according to her.

Kelly asserts that the transgender movement's meteoric rise has resulted in severe repercussions, such as the involuntary removal of healthy body parts and the deprivation of custody from benevolent guardians who deeply care for their children.

Kelly, in an extensive video that was published in June, expounded upon her evolving stance on the matter. Her rationale for abandoning the use of "preferred pronouns" was the harm inflicted upon children and the inequities treated women, she explained.

Kelly believes that the transgender movement has evolved into a "dangerous contagion for social justice" that violates the rights of women and girls and causes sterility. She expressed concern over the loss of privacy rights for women and girls in support of a movement that, in her opinion, has been "co-opted by sick activists."

Megyn Kelly, known for her unabashedly audacious and conservative position, remains a prominent figure in the media, consistently generating attention by expressing her strong convictions on pertinent matters.

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