
Michelle’s Mute Response to Israeli Women’s Plight Revealed

Well butter my biscuits and call me shocked! The Minister for the Advancement of the Status of Women of Israel, May Golan, has gone and done it now. She reached out to former First Lady Michelle Obama for support, and do you know what she got in return? A big ol’ heap of nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Miss Golan, who is a proud member of the Likud party, went on Israel’s Channel 14 to spill the beans on the complete and utter silence she received from Michelle Obama after asking for condemnation of attacks on Israeli women by Hamas. Ain’t that a kick in the teeth?

During the interview, Golan went on to question the relevance of women’s rights organizations, claiming they don’t have a lick of relevance anymore. She even brought up the time Michelle Obama spoke out against Boko Haram but couldn’t be bothered to stand up for Israeli women. Can you believe it? I surely can’t!

And it gets even juicier, y’all! According to Golan, she sent Michelle Obama authentic, sworn testimony about the horrific attacks on Israeli women, and you know what she got in return? Silence. Not a peep. Not even a “bless your heart.” It’s enough to make a possum spit!

Now, I reckon Michelle Obama has been running ’round the world touting her efforts to help women and girls, but when it comes to standing up for the women of Israel, she’s as quiet as a church mouse. It’s a real head-scratcher, I tell you.

But hold onto your hats, ’cause the plot thickens! UN Women finally condemned the attacks on Israeli women eight weeks after the fact. Eight weeks! That’s longer than it takes to fry up a mess of catfish on a Sunday afternoon.

I don’t know about y’all, but it seems like there’s a whole heap of talk and not a whole lot of action when it comes to standing up for the women of Israel. It just goes to show that actions speak louder than words, and it looks like some folks could use a good old-fashioned lesson in Southern hospitality.

Well, ain’t that a doozy! Looks like there’s more to this story than meets the eye, and it’s got folks scratching their heads and wondering what in tarnation is going on. That’s all for now, folks. Y’all come back now, ya hear?


Written by Staff Reports

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