
Migrants Demand Free Pass While New Yorkers Slog for Permits!

The New York Post’s article about migrants rallying at city hall for work permits and more has sent shockwaves through the city! These migrants really have some nerve, don’t they? Heading down to city hall, demanding special treatment just because they came here illegally. It’s ridiculous! You won’t believe the nerve of these people, thinking they can just waltz in and demand work permits like it’s their right. 

The nerve of these people, thinking they can just waltz in and demand work permits like it’s their right. Well, it’s not! New Yorkers work hard for their permits, and these migrants should have to do the same.
Don’t migrants understand the concept of playing by the rules? If they want to work in this country, they need to go through the proper channels, just like everyone else. It’s not fair to the hardworking Americans who have followed the rules and waited their turn to have these migrants cutting the line.

These migrants are taking jobs away from American citizens, plain and simple. They should not be rewarded for breaking the law. By giving them work permits, we’re just encouraging more illegal immigration. It’s a slap in the face to legal immigrants who have worked hard to come here lawfully.

The New York Post’s readers have expressed their outrage at this rally, and it’s no wonder. The audacity of these migrants is astounding. It’s time for city hall to stand up for the hardworking citizens of this country and put a stop to these reckless demands.

Written by Staff Reports

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