
Mika Brzezinski Meltdown Over Kamala Harris Favoritism and Trump Polls

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski has apparently taken a page from the playbook of tantrum-throwing children as she unleashes a new verbal concoction: “sanewashing.” This peculiar term emerged from her fervent objections to the mainstream media’s perceived favoritism towards Kamala Harris. This would hardly be a surprise, given that the left has made a habit of redefining language to fit their narrative, often to hilarious results.

On a recent episode, Brzezinski and her co-host husband Joe Scarborough were visibly annoyed by a New York Times/Siena College poll indicating that Trump had a slender one-percent lead over Harris among likely voters. Scarborough dismissed these poll numbers as mere outliers, a predictable stance given that acknowledging any signs of Trump’s resurgence would spoil the Democrats’ narrative that he has been thoroughly rejected. Meanwhile, the panic among liberals in light of this polling is palpable, as they cling to hopes of a Democratic victory while recoiling at the idea of Trump’s continued relevance.

It seems that Brzezinski and Scarborough were in rare form discussing former Vice President Dick Cheney’s recent comments, where he suggested that voting for Harris might be necessary in light of his disdain for Trump. Cheney’s dire warnings about Trump being a threat to the Republic reflect just how deep these Democrats’ fears run. After truly unprecedented events in the political realm, one would think they might show some humility. Instead, they flail with their usual tactics, trying to besmirch Trump and his supporters at every turn.

Though they seek to cast doubt on Trump’s chances, Scarborough seems almost desperate as he tries to convince viewers that a Harris victory isn’t guaranteed. He implies that Democrats need to “work harder,” as if the sheer effort alone would grant them favor with voters anxious about the state of the nation. The ongoing facade is particularly amusing when one considers the ever-shifting narratives surrounding Harris herself, whose track record of dissembling seems to escape Scarborough’s scrutiny.

Brzezinski’s made-up phrase of “sanewashing” serves as a classic example of leftist spin. The irony is rich considering how the same outlets have diligently painted a rosy picture of Biden’s mental acuity, despite all empirical evidence to the contrary. The usual lampooning of Trump, while overlooking the flaws of their own party, is a hallmark of these media personalities. This glaring double standard lays bare their hypocrisy, revealing a desperate attempt to maintain relevance in an unpredictable political climate.

The antics of Brzezinski and Scarborough mirror a broader trend in the media where maintaining the narrative often takes precedence over logical discourse. Their dramatics might fuel some late-night comedy skits, but they do little to address the concerns of ordinary Americans. As the political landscape continues evolving, it will be interesting to watch how they navigate the waters of public opinion, particularly as Trump remains a formidable force in the upcoming election cycle.

Written by Staff Reports

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