
Miss Italy Rejects Trans Agenda, Preserves Womanhood

In a refreshing display of sanity and common sense, the Miss Italy beauty pageant has declared that transgender women will not be allowed to compete. Finally, someone who isn’t afraid to stand up against the glittery bandwagon of trans activism!

Patrizia Mirigliani, the official patron of the pageant, made it clear that Miss Italy will not be bowing down to the absurd strategies of beauty contests that have been allowing biological males to compete against women. And she’s absolutely right! We shouldn’t be undermining the integrity of these competitions by pretending that gender is simply a matter of personal identity.

Take, for example, the recent Miss Netherlands pageant, where a 22-year-old biological male named Rikki Valerie Kolle was crowned as the winner, defeating a field of biological women. It’s nothing short of a joke! This is not equality or progress – it’s a slap in the face to the countless women who have dedicated their lives to beauty and grace.

But it doesn’t stop there. Miss Universe, a competition that has been allowing transgender individuals to compete since 2012, is now under the control of a transgender billionaire, Anne Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip. It’s no wonder that they are pushing their agenda onto beauty pageants, forcing real women to compete against individuals who were not “women from birth”.

Fortunately, Miss Italy is taking a stand and sticking to their principles. The rules of their competition explicitly state that competitors must be female from birth. It’s a simple, clear requirement that ensures fairness and maintains the integrity of the pageant. After all, beauty pageants are about celebrating the natural beauty and femininity of women, not about catering to the demands of a small and vocal minority.

Patrizia Mirigliani has been steadfast in upholding the standards of Miss Italy. She has banned revealing swimwear, body piercings, and tattoos, and even enforced a black-and-white one-piece option for the contestants. Mirigliani understands that true beauty comes from within and cannot be manufactured or altered through surgery or personal identity.

It’s about time that we see more individuals like Mirigliani who are willing to stand up against this radical gender ideology. Miss Italy should be applauded for taking a stand against the absurdity of allowing transgender women to compete. Let’s hope more beauty pageants follow suit and prioritize the true essence of womanhood.

Written by Staff Reports

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