
Modi’s Eco-Gift to Jill Biden Ignored by Libs: US-India Bond Grows

Indian Prime Minister Modi’s recent visit to the United States became a hot topic in the conservative political circle. Despite the seriousness of the visit between the US President and the Indian Prime Minister, some liberal wackos could not resist turning an exchange of gifts into an inclusion-focused article. Because of increased environmental and social consciousness, Modi gifted First Lady Jill Biden a beautiful 7.5-carat lab-grown diamond. Despite its eco and socially friendly origins, the gift reflects Modi’s desire to demonstrate India’s contribution to the global economy through synthetic diamond exports, which skyrocketed from a paltry $274 million in 2018 to almost $1.3 billion this year.

Modi also presented Biden with an exquisite rare edition of The Ten Principal Upanishads, a collection of ancient Hindu texts by famed Irish poet William Butler Yeats, highlighting the two countries’ interest in spiritual and literary pursuits. Biden, reciprocating the gesture, presented Modi with a signed first edition of Robert Frost’s poetry.

The White House Fact Sheet detailed various partnerships formed during the state visit that aim toward mutual prosperity, which the liberal press, who thrive on fearmongering and negativity, completely missed. It mentioned increased technology partnerships, including defense agreements, highlighting the cooperation between the US and India on a global stage.

It’s clear the visit wasn’t just an exchange of gifts, but a productive meeting between two powerful nations interested in furthering their mutual interests. The Conservatives applaud this positive development and look forward to a more prosperous future for the United States and India.

Written by Staff Reports

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