
Monmouth Poll Trump Strong Despite Trial Independent Voters Favor Him Over Biden in 2024

A new Monmouth poll has revealed some intriguing and contradictory findings regarding former President Trump’s recent trial in New York. While the majority of voters believe the charges against Trump were politically motivated, a plurality still supports the guilty verdict reached in the case.

Despite the perception of political motivation behind the charges, a substantial number of people are comfortable with the trial's outcome. Interestingly, these sentiments do not seem to negatively affect public opinion against Trump in a potential rematch against President Biden. The data shows Trump and Biden are neck and neck in a hypothetical 2024 election, with Trump leading by one point, similar to the standings before the verdict was reached.

Independent voters, despite believing in the political nature of the charges, still support Trump over Biden, even though they also support the guilty verdict against him. Additionally, the Republican Party leads in the generic ballot by three points overall, and Biden’s net personal favorability is lower than Trump’s.

Another national poll from Reuters/Ipsos also shows Trump back in the lead, with a four-point swing in his favor, indicating a positive surge for the former president.

Overall, the polls suggest that the recent felony conviction has had only a small impact on public opinion, with the effect likely diminishing over time. Analysts from both the right and left acknowledge that Biden’s low approval rating and general unpopularity are significant factors shaping the political landscape, although they also note that Trump’s unpopularity plays a role in the upcoming election.

In summary, despite the belief in politically motivated charges against Trump, his support remains robust, and the trial outcome has not significantly altered the political landscape.

Written by Staff Reports

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