
MSNBC Prepares for Biden’s Debate Struggles Against Trump on June 27

Funny how the liberal media spins Biden’s standing as a disadvantage simply because their man is flailing. MSNBC’s Alex Wagner appears to be breaking a sweat over Joe Biden’s potential thrashing in the first debate against former President Donald Trump on June 27. Fancy that—she elaborates on how the expectations are sky-high for Biden, while Trump merely needs to show up, look somewhat alive, and form sentences. That’s her assessment of the forthcoming face-off.

Over on MSNBC, Wagner can’t help but fret that Trump is subjected to a more lenient standard compared to Biden during the debates. Susan Glasser throws her hat into the ring, suggesting that the MAGA crowd doesn’t hold Trump “accountable” the way, presumably, leftist journalists do. Because, of course, liberal media narratives are the gold standard of accountability—insert eye roll here.

The notion that Biden’s bar is higher? Well, duh—he’s the President of the United States. This isn’t preschool; he should be able to defend his record robustly instead of blankly staring off into space or wandering aimlessly about the stage, as seen in recent weeks. It shouldn’t be much to ask for the leader of the free world to answer a few questions without falling apart. 


The first debate being labeled as “unfair” to Biden because of “obstacles”? Really now. Only MSNBC could cook up such a ludicrous talking point. Their job is to keep liberal America from having a collective meltdown, after all. Prepare the safe spaces and therapy dogs, folks—it’s going to be a bumpy ride. 


The real kicker here is this ‘debate is unfair to Biden’ shtick essentially admits that Biden can’t keep up with the job’s demands. Europe’s press got a front-row seat to this charade during the G7 Summit in Italy, with publications highlighting Biden’s obvious mental decline. Now, media outlets are scrambling to stack those proverbial sandbags to protect their guy.

Relax, Biden won’t get completely obliterated. They’ll likely resort to the pharmaceutical pep talk, ensuring he remains coherent for most of the debate. Never count anyone out. Trump doesn’t need to go full throttle either, a lesson he learned from the first 2020 debate. He can calmly and meticulously slice through Biden’s presidency, showing graceful but lethal precision. Picture Trump executing a strategic political dissection, demonstrating how far Biden’s administration has faltered, all with a collected demeanor. It’s not about shouting; it’s about letting the facts slowly and methodically cut through the Biden façade—a political thousand cuts, if you will.

Written by Staff Reports

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